Susan Winslow has an important business meeting in Paducah this evening. She has a number of alternate routes by which she can travel from the company headquarters in Lewisburg to Paducah. The network of alternate routes and their respective travel time, ticket cost, and transport mode appear on the next two slides.
If Susan earns a wage of $15 per hour, what route should she take to minimize the total travel cost?
Transport Time Time Ticket Total
Route Mode (hours) Cost Cost Cost
A Train 4 $60 $ 20 $ 80
B Plane 1 $15 $115 $130
C Bus 2 $30 $ 10 $ 40
D Taxi 6 $90 $ 90 $180
E Train 3 1/3 $50 $ 30 $ 80
F Bus 3 $45 $ 15 $ 60
G Bus 4 2/3 $70 $ 20 $ 90
H Taxi 1 $15 $ 15 $ 30
I Train 2 1/3 $35 $ 15 $ 50
J Bus 6 1/3 $95 $ 25 $120
K Taxi 3 1/3 $50 $ 50 $100
L Train 1 1/3 $20 $ 10 $ 30
M Bus 4 2/3 $70 $ 20 $ 90<p>%u2248%u2248%u2248</p>