I m writing this post from an internet cafe, since my laptop is freakin crashed again!! it s in claws of an infernal lag, , it can open web browser in a half hour and cant open others (msn, my computer, control panel etc.)
so i think we have to format it, everythin in it, my flash files will be deleted, we cant rescue em becuz u know, IT CANT OPEN A WINDOW!
But u know what, it s not that tragic, since anyway stuff i made was not that decent. this time i ll make better ones! yeah.
: damn i m screwed :P
SHIT.I hate when stuff like this happened.I had something like that before.Yeah Most of my flash files got deleted i only missed two fla. files.One was the Madness flash movie i was making and the second was my huge library of.................SWORDS AND OTHER WEAPONS.I had drawn probably 70,80 swords,17 axes 5 maces.10 spears
wow yer problem was much worse :P mine were only some undone flashes in beginning or crappy ones, anyway i ll make ten times better ones and hope my comp wont get crashed this time >=(